Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Being Granny

I am  going  to  be  a  Granny...........   a granny  although  the  thought  makes  me  smile,  the  thought  of a  tiny  little  human being  so small and  so absolutely  dependent  on you  for  everything,  is  an amazing  thought  you  can  almost  smell that  tiny thing,  the  smell  of    powder and  cream,  .......
And  then  I  think,  how  can  this  be  how  can I  have  a  daughter  so  old,  how  can  i   be  a ............  granny............ I  just  don't  feel  old  enough  to  be  a  granny.  I mean  grannies  are supposed  to  be,  old,  with  wrinkles,  and  slippers,   grey  haired,  smelling  like  lavender,  be  able  to  sit  and  knit  and  drink copius  amounts  of    tea, served  from  tea pots  in white  China  cups,  well  I  already  am a   positive  on one of these  traits   .........  I  drink  tea............ Grannies  are  supposed  to  stay  home  and  bake,  and  feed  stray  cats.....  aren't they.........
I  was with  my daughter  the  day  she  went  into the  chemist to buy  "THE"  home pregnancy  test kit..  we  couldn't decide  whether  to buy the  expensive  one,  in case  it  was  going  to become  a  piece of the  babies  history,  or  whether  to  buy  the  cheap  one,  in case  it was  a  false  alarm.  Well  as  there  had  been  a few  false  alarms,  we  decided  to  go with the  cheap  one..........  and  old  Murphy  was  working  again...
I  got  a  call that  night and  I  quote "Its  double  lines"..........  what,  huh,  how  am  I    to  know  that double  lines  means,   my life  as  i  know  it  is  about  to  change  and  I am  going  to be  A GRANNY......

1 comment:

  1. I think it's imperative you do not grown any wrinkles or grey hair and definitely avoid tea and lavender. Very unbecoming and soooooo last season. When I become a granny I'm going to ensure I always smell of tequila...
